About Us


Compared to the ‘fancy’ nature of music, festival and party event management, the role of conference producer may seem to reflect a less exciting, more corporate side of events. However, for those who are meticulous and can offer precision in practice, can excel in engagement and secure success in delivering outcomes, conference production can be a role with plenty of potential for adding excitement to corporate conferences and your event management career!


We are the leaders, because we work with the Leaders!

Our Vision

We initiate our dedication to serve the community with quality services and set an example of professionalism and moral business practices in the industry. Our vision is positioned towards becoming the market leader in event management when it comes to corporate events through hard work and commitment, maintaining the leadership and carrying the flag of uncompromising quality into the unforeseen future with constant value addition and a strong line of innovation


Our Value


When you join Ace Biz community, you’re connected to a well-known, established organization in addition to new ideas and people who can help you become the best business events strategist — and global citizen — you can be.

We can lead economic and social transformation

with our knowledge and power. Our content influences how the industry views itself, and we inspire members and attendees to take ideas back to their own communities to make a difference.